Help Medically Fragile Children with a

It’s your birthday month!

Whether it’s your birthday, anniversary, or just because, you can make a meaningful impact by creating a fundraiser for A Rosie Place for Children on Facebook.

A Rosie Place for Children is Indiana‘s only licensed, non-profit, specialty hospital dedicated exclusively to serving the growing number of families with children who are medically fragile. Your donations help us keep providing respite care at no cost to families.

Children who are medically fragile come to A Rosie Place for up to 10 nights at a time for respite stays. During this time, parents are given the gift of time to go on a date night, experience fun activities with their healthy children or enjoy much needed rest.

Thank you for supporting these families!

A Rosie Place for Children
53131 Quince Road
South Bend, IN 46628
T: (574) 235-8899

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